Saturday, May 15, 2010

Be Thankful for What you Have...

I'm feeling like this treatment is going be worse. I was sick all last night, have no appetite and keep getting hot/cold flashes from this hormone injection I've been getting. All I wanted to do was just go back to bed but those steroids make it hard. Gary and I had our counseling appointment and it went pretty well but looking back I should have scheduled it for a time when I was NOT going to be on steroids. I felt a little jittery in there and got a little more upset than I normally would. So bad mistake on my part. Still, we did get some things accomplished and I'm hoping the techniques she gave us will help us to cope better and not take our frustrations out on each other as well as forgive each other for some past hurts. Today has been pretty good. We had some great friends over who were so sweet to bring us dinner. I haven't really been in a cooking mode lately so that helps out a lot! I used to LOVE cooking. I pretty much never cook anymore because I just get too tired. Oh won't last forever. I found this really cool quote that lifted my spirits:

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough.” Oprah Winfrey
In my situation I feel like it's important to focus on what I do have. So I'll make a list.
1. My Daughter, who makes me smile, feel a love like I never knew I had and makes everything that is wrong all ok.
2. My Husband, the man I've been in love with from the moment we met and have spent the last 5 years loving.
3. Chemotherapy, even though it is very painful and has taken a lot from me, it is going to cure this horrible disease. I believe I will be cured.

There are so many other things but I thought I would list the top 3. I think if every one took time out every day to look at the things they are thankful for, it would make any bad day a whole lot better.


  1. awesome way of looking at things. I think you're probably one of the only people who actually thought to be thankful for chemo. Even though it sucks it is an awesome thing. Love you

  2. A great post Sienna. Try not to be too hard on yourself and remember your body has the potential to heal itself especially with the right medical support. You have a great attitude. My prayers are with you.

  3. Thanks Cezanne!! Hope you have a great week!

    Sharla, Thank you for reading and for your support and advice. It's always nice hearing from people who have been through the same thing. I started following your blog and really enjoy it. I so appreciate the prayers!
    Love, Sienna
